Urban Seed Magazine

Urban Seed Magazine


One of my favorite hobbies as a child was gardening and it still is. Although my gardens may have changed. They are all potted plants now that I live in the city. However I still enjoy the the connection that growing a plant creates between nature and humans. I wanted to create a magazine that highlighted the growing connections between our concrete jungles and nature.


I decided to create Urban Seed magazine to be a informative magazine for the environmentally connected city inhabitants. As well as those interested in how our cities are becoming more integrated with nature. The color palette and soft bold typeface paired with clean photography creates a friendly interesting approachable feeling. The name of the magazine also invokes the idea of growth and how one “seed” can become many even under uncertain conditions.


03/2020 to 04/2020


Branding & Page layout


Page Layout


Adults in cities interested in gardening, ages
20-40, median income.


Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop


Bradford Prairie

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